Jess & Adam – Having a Baby! {Pittsburgh & Hermitage Maternity Photographer}

We had a great time photographing Jess & Adam as the prepare for the arrival of little Grayson.  We’re excited to be able to do their maternity shoot and then his newborn session…when he decides to arrive!

We met up with Jess & Adam at their house in Hermitage.  I wanted to see Grayson’s nursery, which Jess has fully decorated — mostly with stuff from Etsy, which is one of our shared obsessions!  As soon as I saw the decal on the wall, I knew I needed to take some pictures.  Grayson was the middle name of Jess’ mother, who passed away a few years ago.  It’s so great to see Jess honor her mother in this way!

Can’t wait to meet you, Grayson!

The next picture is probably my favorite!  Jess is rocking it back there…looking like a mama-to-be model and Adam appears clueless to the awesomeness going on behind him! 🙂

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