Freedom of Expression

Embrace Your Freedom of Expression: Celebrating the Full Spectrum of Womanhood

As an ambassador of mine, you benefit from my crazy ideas and get photo sessions that I’ve been dreaming of for awhile.  This motorcycle shoot is just one of those things, and two of my ambassadors were up for a fun filled marathon day!

Sometimes we singularly focus on one attribute of ourselves instead of seeing the entirety of our being.  The truth is, you are more that one thing at all times in life, and you are never “JUST” anything!  I wanted to explore the many different sides of women, push them out of their comfort zone, and help them empower themselves!

In a world that often tells women how they should behave, look, and feel, embracing the freedom of expression is a powerful act of self-liberation. Women should have the freedom to express all sides of themselves, to explore and feel all their emotions without judgment or restriction. This is not just a right; it’s a necessity for living a fulfilled and authentic life.

Women are complex, multifaceted beings. We are strong and vulnerable, fierce and gentle, joyful and sorrowful. Each of these sides deserves to be seen, heard, and celebrated. Neither of them good or bad, they simply are.  When we allow ourselves the freedom to express all aspects of who we are, we open the door to deeper self-awareness and genuine connections with others. Society often imposes rigid stereotypes on women, dictating how we should act and what roles we should play. These stereotypes can be suffocating, limiting our ability to fully express ourselves. But true freedom lies in breaking free from these constraints and embracing our individuality.

Emotions are a natural and essential part of the human experience. Yet, women are often told to suppress certain feelings—to be always pleasant, agreeable, and composed. This suppression can lead to internal conflict and emotional distress. Instead, we need to claim our power and embrace the full spectrum of our emotions. Whether we feel anger, joy, sadness, or excitement, each emotion is valid and worthy of expression. To fully embrace our freedom of expression, we need to create and seek out safe spaces where we can be ourselves without fear of judgment. This might mean surrounding ourselves with supportive friends and family, finding communities that celebrate authenticity, or even carving out personal time for self-reflection and creative pursuits.

Every woman has a unique way of expressing herself. Some may find their voice through art, writing, or music. Others may express themselves through fashion, dance, or activism. There is no right or wrong way to express who you are. The key is to find what feels true to you and to honor that. By embracing our freedom of expression, we also encourage other women to do the same. When we see a friend or sister holding back, let’s remind her of her right to be fully herself. Let’s celebrate each other’s victories and support each other through challenges. In lifting each other up, we create a ripple effect of empowerment and liberation.

Living authentically means showing up as your true self in all areas of life. It means speaking your truth, pursuing your passions, and standing up for what you believe in. It also means allowing yourself to evolve and grow, knowing that this expansion is a natural part of life.

Freely expression oneself is a fundamental aspect of living a fulfilled and authentic life. Women should have the freedom to express all sides of themselves, to explore and feel all their emotions without fear or restriction. By embracing this freedom, we not only honor our true selves but also inspire others to do the same.

Today I celebrate the full spectrum of our womanhood, breaking free from societal constraints, and creating spaces where we can all thrive.

Remember, your voice matters, your feelings are valid, and your unique expression is a gift to the world. Embrace it fully and live boldly.


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Powerhouse Badass Women Unite!

I had this idea with my brand ambassadors:  plan a shoot all around the powerful experience that is gained when women unite together!  I immediately saw the vision in the outfits, the shoot, and the event for them!  We gathered early, had their makeup done, had champagne and treats, I got them in their outfits, then the magic began!  Each supporting, encouraging, and so full of love!  I hope that each of them got something amazing out of the day.  I will highlight a blog post of each of these remarkable women but for now, let’s focus on the collective power of them all coming together and trusting me to create this experience for them!

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The Power of Women Coming Together: Celebrating Unity and Support

There is an undeniable power in women coming together. It transcends mere gatherings; it’s a collective energy that radiates love, support, and an unyielding strength that can move more mountains that you could ever imagine. In a world where competition and judgment often overshadow kindness, it’s time we shift our focus to more love and support for one another.

At my recent Powerhouse Badass Women shoot, we embraced this very essence. We came together not to judge or compete, but to uplift and encourage each other. Our differences, rather than pulling us apart, became the threads that wove us closer together. We look different, we are different, but in that diversity, we find unity and strength. It’s a beautiful reminder that our differences can draw us together, if only we allow them to.

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This shoot wasn’t just about taking photos; it was about creating an environment where women feel valued and respected. It’s about helping other women see that there is a supportive community out there for them. When women come together to simply be together, to encourage and support one another, something magical happens. This is the very essence of my being and the core of what I wanted to capture in this shoot.

Every woman shines in her own unique way, and when you bring that collective shine together, it explodes into something even more magnificent. Could it be any more bright?  YES! YES IT COULD!

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It’s not about external appearances; it’s about seeing women for the depths of their souls and the richness of their experiences. It’s about celebrating our diverse stories and understanding how these stories shape our lives.

We must be cheerleaders for one another, seeing beyond the surface to the real person beneath. Until you truly get to know someone, they will present you with the carefully crafted life they want you to believe. They put on a show for you because sometimes the reality of life is too difficult to face, too messy to admit.  But when you create a space for them to strip back the layers, you begin to see the complete picture of who they really are.

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Witnessing and embracing someone’s true reality without trying to fix anything is powerful. Just being there to see them allows them to become more comfortable sharing their true self with you. The ultimate sign of trust is being able to be your complete self—no show, no pretending. When you see someone for who they truly are, not who you perceive them to be, you open up a whole new world of connection and understanding.

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Creating this environment of trust and openness is not just beneficial for the individual, but for the entire community. When one woman feels empowered to share her true self, it inspires others to do the same. It creates a ripple effect of authenticity and vulnerability that strengthens the bonds between us all. This sense of genuine connection is what fuels collective growth and resilience.

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Our Powerhouse Badass Women shoot was a testament to the strength that comes from women supporting women. It was a day filled with laughter, encouragement, and a shared sense of purpose. We proved that when women come together, they can create a force so powerful, it can change the world.

As we move forward, let’s continue to embrace our differences and celebrate our unique stories. Let’s be mindful of the incredible strength we hold when we unite, and use that power to uplift one another. In a society that often pits women against each other, we must be intentional about fostering environments of support and love.

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We must also recognize that this journey of unity and support is ongoing. It requires continuous effort and dedication. We must actively choose to support rather than compete, to love rather than judge, and to lift rather than tear down. This conscious effort is what will sustain the powerful connections we build.

In the spirit of our Powerhouse Badass Women shoot, let us all commit to being sources of encouragement and support. Let’s vow to see each other for who we truly are, to embrace the full spectrum of our experiences, and to celebrate the unique light each woman brings to the world. Together, we rise, and together, we can create a world where every woman feels valued, respected, and empowered.

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So here’s to the power of women coming together. Here’s to the magic we create when we support and uplift one another. And here’s to the unstoppable force we become when we unite in love and strength.

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To these absolute BADASS WOMEN:

Thank you for trusting me, thank you for diving into this experience and making it something special.  Thank you for helping me bring this vision to life.  Thank you for cheering each other on.  Thank you for being with me and supporting the ideas that I have to help women feel better about themselves.  In all that work, I hope that you too felt amazing, on top of the world, like you are a POWERHOUSE BADASS WOMAN because YOU ARE!

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Saying No to Say Yes

When You Say NO to Things That Don’t Fill You Up, You Give Yourself More Space to Say YES to the Things That Do

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. We often find ourselves saying “yes” to things that don’t necessarily fill us up, leaving little time or energy for the things that truly matter to us. But when we learn to say “no” to the things that don’t serve us, we create more space to say “yes” to the things that do. This allows us to say yes to ourselves and live a more fulfilling life. Here’s why:

Saying No Helps You Set Boundaries

When we say “no” to things that don’t fill us up, we are setting boundaries for ourselves. We are saying that our time and energy are valuable and that we won’t waste them on things that don’t serve us. This helps us to prioritize the things that are truly important to us and gives us the space to focus on them.

Saying No Helps You Avoid Burnout

When we say “yes” to everything, we can quickly become overwhelmed and burnt out. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and even physical health problems. By saying “no” to things that don’t fill us up, we are taking care of ourselves and avoiding burnout.

Saying No Helps You Live a More Authentic Life

When we say “yes” to things that don’t fill us up, we are living a life that is not true to ourselves. We may be doing things to please others or to fit in, rather than following our own passions and desires. By saying “no” to these things, we are living a more authentic life and staying true to ourselves.

 Saying No Helps You Create More Space for the Things That Matter

When we say “no” to things that don’t fill us up, we are creating more space for the things that do. This allows us to say yes to ourselves and to the things that truly matter to us. We can focus on our passions, our relationships, and our personal growth, rather than wasting time and energy on things that don’t serve us.

When you say “no” to things that don’t fill you up, you give yourself more space to say “yes” to the things that do. This allows you to say yes to yourself and to live a more fulfilling life. By setting boundaries, avoiding burnout, living authentically, and creating more space for the things that matter, you can live a life that is true to yourself and your passions. So go ahead and say no to the things that don’t serve you, and make room for the things that do!

So SAY NO to everything so you can SAY YES to you!

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Embracing Authenticity: Beyond Labels and Roles

In a world obsessed with labels and roles, it’s easy to get lost in the external trappings of identity. But true beauty and power lie within, in the essence of who we are and how we show up in the world. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of identity beyond labels and roles, focusing on the internal characteristics that define us and shape our interactions with others.

Embracing Authenticity:

At the core of our being lies our true essence—the sum total of our attitudes, values, and beliefs. This essence transcends labels and roles, representing the unique tapestry of our character and spirit. Embracing authenticity means honoring this essence and allowing it to shine through in all aspects of our lives.

Treating Others with Kindness and Respect:

One of the hallmarks of authenticity is the way we treat others. Kindness, empathy, and respect are not just virtues to aspire to; they are integral parts of who we are. By treating others with compassion and understanding, we create a ripple effect of positivity and foster deep, meaningful connections.

Supporting and Empowering Others:

True beauty lies in lifting others up and helping them realize their full potential. As passionate individuals, we have the power to inspire, encourage, and support those around us. Whether through words of affirmation, acts of kindness, or lending a listening ear, we can make a profound difference in the lives of others.

Building Confidence and Self-Love:

At the heart of authenticity is a deep sense of self-love and confidence. By embracing our true selves and celebrating our unique qualities, we inspire others to do the same. Confidence is not about arrogance or ego; it’s about owning our worth and standing tall in our truth.

The Power of Connection:

Authenticity creates genuine connections and fosters a sense of belonging. When we show up authentically, we invite others to do the same, creating a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. In a world that often prioritizes superficiality and image, authentic connections are a precious commodity.

Embracing Change and Growth:

As dynamic beings, our identities are constantly evolving and growing. Embracing authenticity means being open to change and embracing the journey of self-discovery. We understand that our roles and labels may change over time, but our essence remains constant.

In a society that often defines us by our roles and labels, it’s important to remember that true beauty and power lie within. Embracing authenticity means honoring our true essence, treating others with kindness and respect, and supporting each other on our journeys of self-discovery. By embracing authenticity, we create a world where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued for who they truly are.

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Unlearning Self-Hate: The Journey of Self-Love

Self-love is a journey of unlearning—the process of shedding layers of self-doubt, insecurity, and negativity that have been ingrained in our minds and souls. It’s about dismantling the belief systems that have led us to believe we are unworthy, unlovable, and lacking. Let’s dive into the undeniable truth that self-love is not about learning how to love your body, but rather, unlearning how to hate it.

The Roots of Self-Hate:

From a young age, we are bombarded with messages that dictate what beauty should look like, how we should behave, and what we should aspire to be. These societal standards seep into our subconscious minds, shaping our perceptions of ourselves and others. We internalize these messages, believing that our worth is contingent upon meeting these unrealistic ideals.

Unlearning Self-Hate:

Self-love begins with the courageous act of unlearning. It’s about challenging the toxic narratives that tell us we are not enough and replacing them with affirming truths. It’s about recognizing that our worth is inherent and unconditional, not dependent on external validation or conformity to societal norms.

Shifting Perspectives:

To cultivate self-love, we must shift our perspectives and reframe our thoughts. Instead of fixating on our flaws and imperfections, we can choose to see ourselves through a lens of compassion and acceptance. We can celebrate our uniqueness and embrace the beauty of our individuality.

Practicing Self-Compassion:

Self-love requires us to practice self-compassion—the gentle art of treating ourselves with kindness and understanding, especially in moments of struggle or self-doubt. It’s about extending the same grace and empathy to ourselves that we would offer to a beloved friend.

Embracing Imperfection:

Perfection is an illusion, and the pursuit of it only leads to suffering. Self-love invites us to embrace our imperfections and recognize that they are what make us human. It’s about letting go of the need to be flawless and embracing the messy, beautiful complexity of who we are.

Cultivating Gratitude:

Gratitude is a powerful antidote to self-hate. By focusing on the things we appreciate about ourselves and our bodies, we shift our energy from lack to abundance. We learn to appreciate our bodies not for how they look, but for all they allow us to experience and achieve.

Self-love is a radical act of rebellion against the forces that seek to diminish our worth and rob us of our joy. It’s a journey of unlearning—the process of stripping away the layers of self-hate that have kept us small and embracing the truth of our inherent worthiness. As we embark on this journey, let us remember that self-love is not about learning how to love our bodies, but rather, unlearning how to hate them.

I work on unlearning every day.
Unlearning to hate my body.
Unlearning to think I’m wrong.
Unlearning that I need to be fixed.
Unlearning that the thoughts I have about myself are not always reality.
I am unlearning. That is a required step to self love and self confidence.

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