Kirsten {Pittsburgh Senior & Portrait Photographer}

We had a lovely time with Kirsten and her mom during her senior session!  Kirsten is such a lovely girl, both inside and out, and it was a pleasure to spend the evening with her.  She’s a talented singer who has the choice of three colleges – must be nice!  Oh, and she’s going to have two majors … OVERACHIEVER! 🙂

Kirsten’s mom is a hoot – I had a few fabulous conversations with her as we were planning Kirsten’s session, as well as the day after.  She called me to compliment us on how great of a session we had!  She brought tears to my eyes with all the beautiful things she was saying to me!  I feel like I’m part of the family – whether they like it or not!!

Kirsten will be in front of our cameras again in the winter.  She wanted both fall and winter pictures….and we’re more than happy to oblige.

Enjoy, Kirsten!  See you in the SNOW!!!!!!!! 🙂

This is what I imagine Kirsten looking like on a daily basis … so full of laughs!

Of course, we hit that golden sun that I love SOOOOO MUCH!

Oh…the eye!!!

Love this…she’s looking forward to her future and there are so many amazing things waiting for her!!

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