Sarah {Pittsburgh Senior & Portrait Photographer}

In the frigid cold, we had a photo shoot with Sarah.  I’m sooo ready for the weather to get warmer.   Who’s with me?!?!  I’m thankful to have clients willing to brave the cold weather but I miss the sun and COLOR.  Just give me some color on the trees!  That’s a pretty simple request, Mother Nature! 🙂

A little over a year ago, I photographed Sarah.  I wanted to take her out again to use her session as a true evaluation of my progression as a photographer.  Wow, I’m shocked and amazed at the journey I’ve been on in the last year.  What I thought was a good photo one year ago, I cringe at the site of it now.  Yikes. What was I thinking?!?  I’m sure in one year time I’ll look back on the photos below and think the same thing.  But, (not to boast) I think I’ve come a long way from where I was, which is encouraging.

I think as a photographer it’s good to evaluate your progress – where you’ve been, where you’re going, how you can improve, etc.  If it’s just status quo, then I’m not growing as a photographer, and I want to grow and learn with each photo session & wedding.  I always want to take something away that I can do better – it shows me that I’m open to learning and understanding more about this business that I LOVE!

Running a photography business is more than just lighting and camera settings (those are critical, yes).  We also have to know how to work with clients, how to pose clients, how to present our work to clients, etc.  One thing I’ve really worked on in the last year is my posing.  And, Sarah even said during the session that the direction I gave her was light years better than last year.  YAY!  Exactly what I wanted to hear.

It’s been a great ride and I’m excited to take Sarah out next year to do another evaluation.  🙂 Enjoy some of these photos from her shoot….

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